
Announcement: New Survey to Shape the Future!

Here's your opportunity to influence the podcast going forward!!

Take the survey here!

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My Faith-Building Resources


Hey family, I just created a survey to allow you to help



shape the future of this podcast in

the short term and the long term.



When you've got a moment, click

the link in the show notes, answer



as many questions as you can,

and help make this show better



for yourself and everyone else.



The only required question is

whether or not you prefer quality or



quantity for the next several weeks.



Open the survey to see what I mean.



Additional optional questions allow

you to designate what your favorite



episodes are so far and to tell me why.



As well as sharing what hymns you would

like to see covered in the coming months.



I want to say thank you to everyone

who has been praying for my hand.



Everything is healing naturally

as it should, and surgery



is thankfully not necessary.



But there are many weeks of recovery

to come, and my right hand is all



but useless in this new brace.



So don't stop praying yet.



God has used this time to make

me so much more grateful for



even the small things in life.



Isn't it wonderful that he uses

even our uncomfortable circumstances



to draw us closer to him?



It may be true that even getting

dressed in the morning is no longer



a thoughtless process for now, but

more than ever, I am excited to serve



our almighty God, whose power exceeds

infinitely our limited abilities.



Let us continue to journey together

for His cause and for His name.



The next episode is

coming soon, see you then.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Understanding Hymns for Everyday Life
Understanding Hymns for Everyday Life
Sweetening Our Walk with Jesus

About your host

Profile picture for Gregory McCoy

Gregory McCoy

I was raised in a Christian home, and though my family isn’t perfect, the love of Christ was always put on display. My earliest memories involve being taught the wonderful things of God, and one day, I had to make a decision. I realized then as a child that God’s gift of salvation is not forced on people but instead must be accepted by faith or else rejected. For me? I put my faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have never looked back.

That’s not to say that I’m only a Christian because I was raised to be—far from it. I’ve examined dozens of religions in search of truth and now believe that knowledge of our Creator and His purpose for our lives is revealed specifically through His Word. It is in this Word that we find that we are sinners and are therefore hopeless if left to our own devices, and it is in this Word that we find that He loves us in spite of our failures and thus reaches down to us in love, extending forgiveness to all who will accept Him! My life therefore isn’t about trying to earn my way into Heaven…I just want to please the One Who made me, loves me, gives me purpose, and cares for me each and every day: my Lord Jesus Christ. His merit is what I’m counting on to be in Heaven and see Him face to face one day.

Hymns and Gospel songs do not carry God’s stamp of perfection like the Bible does, but they nonetheless often express Biblical truth which has been proved in the hearts of agonizing or awe-struck believers. This intersection of faith, trial, God’s truth, and man’s meditations and praise inspired me to start this podcast. The incredible stories behind the hymns we sing will be lost to the sands of time if we do not willfully pick them up and cherish them. More importantly, the blessing of using these songs to meditate on God’s truths will be lost on us if we don’t seize the opportunity. Let us pursue the Lord together: to know Him above all, to draw close to Him, to rest in His goodness, to seek Him diligently, and to share His love with others! All for Jesus!